Systems Engineering methods

Requirements management

Client performance requirements are linked to your products, by:

  • translating them into product design requirements and designing main functions (systems) to meet those requirements, …
  • in turn, specifying the requirements of those systems, …
  • and so on, all the way down to component level specifications, of the components you produce yourself or source from others.

With all these components and systems functionally interfacing with each other, handing design and requirement changes during the engineering process, it is of key importance to manage your requirements well to make sure you can deliver to your promise.


Why do components fail (not meeting their design requirements)? How do failures propagate through the failure tree? What is their effect on the overall product performance? These considerations should be made early in the design process to prevent failures from happening in real. We provide training on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) with the focus structural and mechanical system failures and their linkage to other systems.

Function verification and validation

Once functions are designed into component, assembly and systems implementations, you need to validate and verify these designs actually meet their requirements as early as possible in the design process and at the lowest cost. We provide pre-field validation using predominantly FEM simulations.

Life cycle BOM management and systematization

When a component is failing in say 5 years from now, you need to be able to quickly establish the:

  • failure root cause,
  • propagation through the failure tree,
  • impact of design modification on the overall performance,

While the original design engineers might not be available, a well structured and configured Bill-Of-Materials (BOM), linking back to all that is written above, is your saving the fast-track entry for a quick and proper solution.